Sunday, March 8, 2009

No Armholes Elastic Top Pillowcase Dress

Take the entire width of fabric, cut it to the length you want, subtracting 1/4" from the finished length you would like.
Cut a piece of fabric for the contrasting bottom band 8 1/2" wide.
Fold it length wise, wrong sides together
Sew the contrasting band onto the bottom of the main fabric,
Topstitch the band seam
Sew up the side seam
Fold over the top of the dress 3 1/4" for the casing, press.
Sew 1" from the folded edge,
Stitch another row for 1" from the first to form the elastic casing, leaving a spot open to insert the elastic.
Insert 3/4 inch elastic, adjust to fit the child,
Sew the elastic together
Sew the elastic opening closed
To make the straps, cut four pieces of ribbon about 19" long
Decide where you would like to place the straps and sew them on.
You can then add buttons, ricrac, and other decorations.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Piping Tutorial by Aimee G

(Originally Posted on the Dis:

Download as a PDF here:

A few people asked me about how to sew piping. Today I finished up my DD’s Minnie Mouse Birthday top. I was going to put store bought pink piping on the shirt but then decided I should show everyone how easy it is to make piping. I do have a piping foot but you can use a zipper foot as well. I first cut my two inch strips. (*** I did not do this the correct way. You really should cut your strips on the bias- 45 degree angle.)

Next I gathered my supplies. I have my cording, piping foot and fabric strips. Also, here is a close up of the piping foot. You can see there is a little half circle groove that the piping/cording settles into as you sew.
Place your cording in the center of the fabric strip, close the fabric to make a little taco. My strips are two inches wide. Place the cording (surrounded by fabric) then sew along the edge of the cording. Since the cording sits in the groove it is super easy.
Now your piping has been made. I next trim the extra fabric. I trim the piping so it is about the same size as commercial piping. It is just easier with a little extra fabric.

Now it is time to sew your piping to the bodice. I just line the piping to the edge of the fabric and let the piping foot guide me along.

Here is the end result. Now you can see on the corners why you should cut your fabric along the bias. By doing this the fabric will move and stretch nicely.

I added my straps and hooks to the bodice. Then I pinned my lining fabric to my bodice right sides together. Next I flip the bodice over and sew the lining to the bodice. I like to sew on the back of the bodice because you can use the piping stitching as a guide. Again, I use my piping foot so the piping is just guided through.

Next, I changed back to my regular foot and stitched the sides. I snipped the corners and clipped the curves of the bodice. I turned the bodice right side out and top stitched around the seams.

Here is the finished product!

(Thanks Aimee!)